Friday 13 September 2013


It is now customary to see anticipated handsets surface at the Federal Communications Commission within weeks before release. Following the Galaxy Note 3 unveiling last Wednesday, all five of the major U.S. carriers announced their plans for the Note 3 release on their respective networks. Currently, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 for AT &T and VERZION is available for pre-order, with the AT&T Note 3 expected to be released on Oct. 1 and the Verizon Note 3 expected to be released on Oct. 10. While t mobile has announced it will release its Galaxy Note 3 on Oct. 2, it does not have pre-orders available for its model.

US mobiles have announced their intentions of carrying the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 but have not yet revealed a launch date or pre-orders. However we essentially have confirmation that the carriers will have the Galaxy Note 3 at some point, with models of the Note 3 for both networks having passed through the FCC.

The  NOTE 3 FEATURES 5.7-inch Full HD Super AMOLED display, a 2.3GHz quad-core LTE processor for the U.S. market, 32GB and 64GB internal storage options with microSD expansion up to 64GB and 3GB of RAM, a 13-megapixel camera, and a 1.9-megapixel front camera with 1080p/60 video recording and 4K video recording for some models. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 also runs the latest Android 4.3 Jelly Bean operating system and a 3,200mAh battery and features boosted 24-bit and 192 KHz audio.

SOFTWER INSIDE . . . . .for the Galaxy Note 3 include Samsung Knox preloaded on the Galaxy Note 3 and able to work for both personal and business capacities. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 also focuses on improved multitasking with the Air command feature, which directs users to the Action Memo, Screen Write, S-Finder, Scrapbook and Pen Window applications. With an enhanced S-Pen, users can easily navigate their Samsung Galaxy Note 3 handset with simple dot, circle and box motions.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 will come in jet black, classic white and blush pink color options. It isn't yet known whether the U.S., U.K. or Canada will receive the blush pink Galaxy Note 3. Most carriers are expected to sell the Galaxy Note 3 for $299.99 with a two-year contract; however, noncontract prices may vary.

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